We've spent a great deal of time thinking about the details and after using this app for a few days, you'll begin to notice our small yet creative touches. Slick and incredibly easy to use interface. OS X Service to send a URL to be downloaded directly by Download Shuttle Drag and drop support for download links Pause and resume support for URLs that support it Mustgofaster Leech 3s support for accelerated downloads (on servers that support. Support for URLs that require authentication This is why you need Leech, the lightweight-yet-powerful download manager. Users can download the app via a direct link and then install it that way. This means that users that search for the installer will not find anything if they have a newer version of Mac OS. This is primarily because Apple has hidden the installer from the Mac App Store. Download management tool that allows unlimited simultaneous multiple downloads The best way to download Mac OS X High Sierra is via a direct link download. Faster speeds with multi-segmented downloads This ensures that the speeds you experience are a lot faster as your bandwidth is maximized. Then you can write, copy, delete, and modify files on the NTFS disk smoothly. iBoysoft NTFS for Mac will automatically mount all NTFS partitions in read-write mode. Connect the read-only Microsoft NTFS drive to your Mac. Download Shuttle is a blisteringly fast download accelerator and manager, and it’s free! All downloads made via Download Shuttle are multi-segmented, i.e., each file is split into many smaller parts that are simultaneously being downloaded. iBoysoft NTFS for Mac free download, install and launch on your Mac.